Author: CHEVYLS6
2014 Scholarship Recipients
Alton Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Taylor Arasmith, $500 Alton Public School Foundation Scholarship Jordan Edwards, $500 Alton Public School Foundation Scholarship Kianna Freisz, $500 Alton Public School Foundation Scholarship Alex Mills, $500 Alton Public School Foundation Scholarship Dusty Chester, $500 Campbell Scholarship Chandra Hollis, $500 Dethrow-Roy Scholarship Charlie Combs, $500 J.Q. Clary Scholarship Haleigh Hufstedler,…
2013 Scholarship Recipients
Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Tiffany Holesapple, $1000 Larry Wallace Memorial Scholarship (Renewal) Jessica Alexander, $500 Luie & Anna Roberts Scholarship Megan Orr, $500 Dethrow-Roy Scholarship Ashley Joy, $500 Paintmasters Scholarship Channing Burd, $500 J.Q. Clary Scholarship Ashley Joy, $500 Nancy Clary Scholarship Candace McClanahan, $500 Jimmy Clary Memorial Scholarship Jessica Morrison, $500 Simpson True Value…
2012 Scholarship Recipients
Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Brittany Bettis, $1000 Larry Wallace Memorial Scholarship Jessica Alexander, $500 Rich & Teresa Wallace Scholarship Glinda Morris, $500 Dethrow-Roy Scholarship Danielle Zook, $500 Paintmasters Scholarship Katie Woodruff, $500 J.Q. Clary Scholarship Glinda Morris, $500 Nancy Clary Scholarship Brittany Woods, $500 Jimmy Clary Memorial Scholarship Rheanna Williams, $500 Wendell P. & Rebecca…
New High School Stage Curtains
The High School recently received new stage curtains, thanks in part to a “Special Projects” grant from the Alton Public School Foundation. Funded by generous community donors and fundraisers by the APSF, the new curtains will get immediate use with the upcoming Graduation ceremonies, as well as future choir activities, musicals performed by the drama…
New Projectors & Screens
Both the Elementary & the High School recently received a new projector & screen as part of the the APSF’s “Special Projects” fund. These are not only used for certain classes, but also various school wide events such as Graduation, Open House, Parent Night, and more.
2011 Scholarship Recipients
Luie and Anna Roberts Memorial Scholarship Myranda Reynolds, $500 Larry Wallace Memorial Scholarship Myranda Reynolds, $500 Jimmy Clary Memorial Scholarship Heather Toy, $500 J.Q. & Nancy Clary Scholarship Amanda Wright, $500 Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Jeremy Mitchener, $1000 Alton Public School Foundation scholarship Merinda Casey, $500 Williams Family scholarship Lindsay Whetsell, $500 Williams Family scholarship…
2010 Scholarship Recipients
Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Cody Lager, $500 Larry Wallace Memorial Scholarship Courtney Hollis, $500 J.Q. & Nancy Clary Scholarship Dakota Bates, $500 Jimmy Clary Memorial Scholarship Aubrey Hardy, $500 Wendell P. & Rebecca Williams Scholarship Lizzie Lake, $500
Digital Sign
A new digital sign will reside at the corner of Vine & Market streets, just a few blocks from the school. The sign was graciously donated by Tracey Swift, and the land was donated by the Campbell family. The sign will feature upcoming school events, as well as important dates related to any school activities.
2009 Scholarship Recipients
Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Blake Orr, $500 Larry Wallace Memorial Scholarship Jessica Bailey, $500 J.Q. and Nancy Clary Scholarship Stetson Neldon, $500 Jimmy Clary Memorial Scholarship Mark Ashley, $500
2008 Scholarship Recipients
Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Amber Woods, $500