Thanks to generous donors, the APSF is able to use it’s various funds in several unique capacities:

One of our main functions is awarding scholarships to graduating AHS Seniors, and enables the APSF to award over 30 scholarships annually.

Teacher Grants
Another critical use of funds is for teacher grants, which are awarded to teachers in both the Elementary & High School, helping to supplant classroom funding gaps.

Special Projects
Funded by donations and various fundraisers, Special Projects are needs specifically pinpointed around the campus by the APSF, which enhance learning.

Endowed Scholarships
- Andrew J. Vincent Memorial
- Charles Whitten Memorial
- Davene Owens-Jaeger Memorial
- Doris Malone Memorial
- Dorothy Cline Memorial
- Jane Reese Memorial
- Janet Hogan McGuire Memorial
- Justin Crews Memorial
- Larry Wallace Memorial
- Luie & Anna Roberts Memorial
- Nancy K Reed Memorial
- Norman Mills Memorial
- Wendell P. & Rebecca Williams Family
- WN & Leona Jenkins Memorial

Renewable Scholarships
- Alton Chamber of Commerce
- Alton Public School Foundation
- Bonnie & Wayne Johnson
- Campbell Family Medical Services
- Dethrow-Roy Family
- Eddie J. Johnson Memorial
- Jim Clary Memorial
- JQ Clary Memorial
- Nancy Clary Memorial
- Paintmasters Collision
- Robert Owens Memorial
- Simpson’s True Value

Available Funds
- General Fund
- Special Projects Fund
- Scholarship Funds
- Vocational Agriculture Fund
- Junior & Senior High Music Fund
- Junior & Senior High Athletic Fund
- Unrestricted Endowed Fund (Cooper I)
- Academic Endowed Fund (Cooper II)